E-Commerce, Charity and Cryptocurrency, 3 markets and one platform, a possibility with humancoin
It is very common in the business environment of today, to see or hear partnerships or collaboration of businesses. Almost all industries like communication, airlines, shipping and even the food and tourism industries, they are in one way or the other, in collaboration with each other. That is necessary for them to be able to stay competitive. If you are a big corporation, maybe you can do it all alone, but, if you are a medium size company, you need a partnership, to stay afloat. Let us examine these three industries. E-Commerce: E-commerce is no doubt the leading when we talk of revenues. It is evident in today’s busy world that majority is now into the online purchases. Most people don’t have time to go to the supermarket or the malls to buy their needs. Most relied on the online marketing of business enterprises, and with the mobile apps or on the pc, they will just order what they want, and it will be delivered to their address...